So far in Team 6...

Date: 29th Sep 2015 @ 3:12pm

Week beginning 23rd Novemeber 2015

A fab start to the week which has seen Team 6 planning their story for 'The Piano' as we've been linking in our SPaG work on complex sentences to improve our writing. This week also introduces our new maths target work on calculating area and perimeter of compound shapes. The children have been busy learning their KS2 play lines at home and I've been really proud of how much they know off by heart the majority of their lines. Keep working on these Team 6. 

Week beginning 16th November 2015

Team 6 have had another good week! We had our last art session with Mrs Anderson and have thoroughly enjoyed celebrating our creative side! Our classroom is full of our masterpieces and we've learned so many new skills. This week also saw our last swimming session at Northgate Arena and Mrs Hughes will continue to teacher Team 6 on Thursday afternoon. Our learning has been focused on an emotive animation titled 'The Piano' and next week we will begin writing the narrative to match the moving story linked to our WW2 topic work. In maths we've been finding out all about averages and calculating mean, median, mode and range. We are also getting to grips with our KS2 Christmas play songs and doing well without having the lyrics.

Week beginning 9th November 2015

Team 6 have had another productive start to the new half term! We've been working hard improving our measure work in maths lessons and writing instructions on how to build an Anderson shelter. We've been enjoying learning our Christmas play and auditions are under way! Our Team 6 volunteers have been great at selling poppies and other items to raise money for Poppy Day over the last two weeks!

 Week ending 16th October 2015.

Team 6 these weeks are flying by and what another fab week in class which was kicked off on Monday at our Harvest Festival mini play! We enjoyed our drama work too in SPaG linked to compound words and learning more about life during WW2.

I've been extremely pleased with your Sports Crew Play Leader activities over the last few weeks and the younger children have been enjoying fun activities at playtimes! 

Maths lessons this week have focused on the grid method for multiplication and we've all progressed well on this as well as applying verb openers to our writing. 

Have a good weekend


Mr C


Week ending 2nd October 2015:

Well Team 6 what a fab end to the week with our amazing helpers Mrs Anderson and Mrs Hobson helping us with knitting and making rag rugs. This was all part of our 'Make do & mend' unit in our topic work. We were so engrossed the time flew and we will continue with more of this in our topic afternoon next week as well as find out about other make do and mend activities.

Wednesday saw us take part in our active Sports Crew Play Leader training and we are all geared up to put our training into practice!

Have a great weekend and good luck with your Mangahigh maths homework challenge!

Mr Cunnington


Week Beginning 28th September 2015:

Team 6 are looking forwward to their Sports Crew Play Leader training delivered by Mrs Senior from Helsby High. We are learning about problems solving using positive and negative numbers in mathematics and about 'Make do and mend' in our topic work.