Reception - Let's make some moves
Date: 15th Sep 2017 @ 5:57pm
It has been another very exciting week in Reception! We have continued to get to know the envionment and all of the different areas, having lots of fun and showing off everything we have created and learned this week.
We have had our first P.E session with Mr Horabin and loved every minute of it. We learned about how to find spaces in the area and make sure we are looking when we are moving around to keep us all safe. We have also had our street dance taster session, there were some fantastic moves as the children danced to the music and enjoyed themselves.
We have been making houses in the workshop area and it has helped us to learn all about homes and families. We have continued to create lots of fantastic houses throughout the week.
We used Google Maps to find our school and some of us used our ICT skills to navigate the screen to find our own houses! The adults were very impressed! This helped us to draw and create our own maps as well, some finding treasure and some directing us from our home to school.
Everyday we have played our phonics game 'silly soup' and we have learned the sounds 's', 'm', and 'a'. See if I can remember them at home!
We hope you have a well deserved rest this weekend and we will see you all on Monday.
Mrs Jobber and Miss Partington