Reception 2024 - 2025


Reception Teacher - Heather Baskeyfield-

Reception TA's -       Beth Parker - Tilly Simpson - Ruth Evans - Hannah Griffiths


Welcome to Reception!

In Reception, our topics are based on the children's interests and will develop from something that they are engaged in.  Because of this, we will upload weekly learning letters aswell as photographs on Twitter, so that you can be involved with your child's learning alongside us! 

You can use this information to help at home too: don't forget to send in your 'WOW moments' to let us know fantastic things your child may be doing at home.

Each term, we have planned texts that we will be using with the children in Reception.  During Autumn 1 we will be using the texts, 'The Gingerbread Man' and 'I'm Going to Eat this Ant'. We will immerse ourselves in these texts, both during focused Literacy learning and within the learning environment.

This will form the basis of our child-led planning and we will target the areas of development through the excitement and engagement of the children's interests. 

For more information on our EYFS Curriculum, please see the appropriate page in the Curriuculum section of our website. 

Class Timetable - Daily Routines

8:30am Door open for morning challenges
8:40am Register & Wake Up, Shake Up
9:00am Ready Steady Read 
10:10 - 10:20am Literacy input 
10:20 - 11:25am Continuous Provision
11:25 - 11:30am Review of Continuous Provision
11:30 - 11:45am Maths Activity
11:45am Lunch Time
13:00pm Funky Fingers/Handwriting
13:15pm Themed Curriculum learning
13:30pm Afternoon learning and Continuous Provision
14:40pm Review of learning from Continuous Provision
14:45pm Class 'Pinny Time' (Phonics)
14:50pm Story Time
15:10pm Home Time
Reception PE Day is on a Friday

Please Note:

Some days our timetable will differ.

Bikes, Scooters & Trim Trail time and Forest School with Pre-School on a Monday afternoon.