Team 3 2023 - 2024

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Team 3 Teacher -  Meg Morris-

Team 3 TA's -        Christine Lindsay - Michaela Lewis - Mel Blackmore - Emma Warburton


Welcome to Team 3's class page!

At Horn's Mill, our curriculum is delivered through a thematic approach. Please take a look at the document at the bottom of the page to see how this looks in Team 3. 

In addition to the curriculum document, please visit our curriculum page here for further details of individual subjects including our Personal Development curriculum.


Class Timetable - Daily Routines

8:30 - 8:50am Register and Morning Challenges
8:55am Reading and Spelling or Ready Stead Read (Dependent on learning needs)
9:50am Snack
10:00am English
10:50am Break Time
11:05am Maths
12:00pm Lunch Time
12:45pm Register and Happy Breathing and class read
13:10pm Handwriting, DEAR time and topic learning - Science, PE, French,Music, Computing, RE, Myhappymind, PSHE, Circle time, History, Geography, Art, DT
15:10pm Tidy Up Time
15:15pm Home Time
Team 3 PE Day is on a Tuesday (This term)


In a change from KS1, children will come into school in their PE kit on a Tuesday. Children should wear black PE shorts/black jogging bottoms, a school PE top/plain white top and trainers. They can wear their school jumper/cardigan as normal.

Home Learning

Having such a huge impact on children’s learning, children are expected to read for 10 minutes, 5 times a week at home and to record this in their reading record at least once per week. Your child will bring home a book of their choice from the class library and a colour coded book based on their current stage of development which will support the progression of their fluency and comprehension skills. 

Reading records and colour coded books should be brought into school every day. These will be changed regularly.

A link to home learning will be sent out every half-term and can also be found at the bottom of this page. This includes some spelling and maths to complete as well as some suggestions for additional reading and practical activities.

Please do feel free to come and chat to us, ask any questions or share any worries at any time- we are always here to help in whatever way we can. 

Miss Morris