Team 6 2024 - 2025
Team 6 Teachers - Kelly Jobber- Emily Hughes -
Team 6 TA's - Ali Lewis - Lucy Clift
Welcome to Team 6!
At Horn's Mill, our curriculum is delivered through a thematic approach. Our current theme in Team 6 is 'South America'. You can find more about what we will be learning during this theme in our curriculum overviews below.
In addition to our themed curriculum overview, please visit our curriculum page here for further details of individual subjects, including our personal development curriculum.
Please see below for a typical daily timetable in Team 6:
Class Timetable - Daily Routines |
8:30am | Register and Morning Challenges |
8:45am | Class Read |
9:00am | Maths |
10:00am | Snack Time |
10:05am | Spelling and English |
11:05am | Break Time |
11:20pm | Whole Class Reading Lesson |
12:15pm | Handwashing and Mental Maths Activities |
12:25pm | Lunch Time |
13:10pm | Happy Breathing and DEAR Time |
13:30pm | Afternoon learning (History, Geography, Circle Time, Art, Music, RE, DT, PE and Science) |
15:15pm | Home Time |
Team 6 PE Day is on a Wednesday |
PE is on a Wednesday afternoon and children should come to school dressed in PE kits (school PE t-shirt, black shorts/joggers/leggings, school cardigan/jumper and trainers).
What can you do at home to help?
Please see the home learning tab on our website for information about the purpose of home learning at Horn’s Mill and why reading is highly valued. Team 6 will be expected to read for 5 times a week at home for at least 15 minutes. Alongside reading themselves, it would be hugely beneficial if they listened to an adult read at home regularly. Recommendations can be found on our home learning document attached to this page. Team 6 will also be expected to use Times Tables Rock Stars regularly at home to support their times tables knowledge and help them to build confidence with instant recall of their times tables.
Please come and chat to any of us in Team 6 if you have any further questions,
Mrs Jobber and Mrs Hughes