Partnership Working

Horn's Mill Primary School is an outward looking school which grasps every opportunity to learn from and support colleagues and experts in their fields.


Frodsham and Villages Support Partnership

Evolving from the LA supported Education Improvement Partnership work, the FAVSP is a group of 11 primary schools and 1 high school in Helsby, Frodsham and the surrounding rural villages. Through this partnership, our school is able to access training, sharing of good practise and excellent transition.  Children benefit from a range of activities and experiences that are organised by the group.


Sharon Wyatt, our head teacher is a member of a group of head teachers who all became heads in September 2014 and thus accessed traning provided by the LA called HeadSpace.  This group of head teachers from Chester and surrounding areas has evolved over time and now work closely together ensuring an excellent support network and opportunities for shared training and good practise.  Headteachers In Leading and Learning (HILL) has been developed as an offshoot of this group.  The five headteachers involved work together on policy development, staff training and reviews of teaching and learning.

Leading Schools

Sharon Wyatt has been working with an Education Consultancy company (Leading Schools) since 2022. This has allowed her the opportunity to support other schools with improvement priorities and overall school performance, and subsequently bring much learning back to Horn's Mill. 

Horn's Mill Pre School

As our main feeder pre school and situated on our school site, we work very closely with Horn's Mill pre school.  Whilst the staff are not managed by our school, we share and offer bespoke training through our EYFS leader to improve outcomes and transition from FS1 to FS2.

The Literacy Co & First4Maths

Over the last few years senior leaders at Horn's mill have worked closely with these two consultancy companies. This has supported excellent CPD for those members of staff and subsequently our whole staff. We continue to have close links with both of these companies. 

Reading and Research

As a team, we endeavour to read and research as much as time allows! We endeavour to be a research led school. Most recently we have been researching in prepaation for our work on developing middle leadership in school, and looking at the theory behind good teaching.  We are looking at the work of Rosenshine, Tom Sherrington, Katie Jones, Alex Bedford and Mary Myatt this year.