Home Learning
At Horn's Mill, our approach to home learning encourages and prioritises reading at home as much as possible.
Pupils will be asked to read regularly (specific expectations are set out on class pages) at home as part of their home learning and book lists that link to class topics will be uploaded to class pages. As well as giving opportunities for your child to read themselves, research shows the hugely positive impact that children being read to has on their academic development and on their vocabulary development.
Alongside reading, pupils are also encouraged to use TTRockstars at home from Team 2 onwards. Each child has a login for this game which can be accessed on any device and will support times tables development.
On the home-learning sheets that can be found in the class pages, you will also find the requirements for spelling for your child alongside some ideas for activities, visits or experiences that we have suggested to enrich the theme your child is studying that half term.
There is no requirement for the children to bring home-learning into school regularly. Teachers will monitor completion of the tasks through children’s performance in reading, maths and writing lessons, and through occasional spelling tests.
Any other enrichment activities you choose to do can be brought to school whenever you wish, to be celebrated with class teachers and peers.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask your class teacher for more information.