Reception - Delamere
Date: 20th Oct 2017 @ 4:06pm
We've just got back from a lovely day at Delamere Forest! We have been very lucky with the weather too..... not as bad as we thought. We loved our adventurous day, stream/pond dipping. At the stream we caught an absolutely massive fish, called a 'Miller's Thumb!' Later, we all had a go at den building. The children and Reception teachers made small dens, whilst the adults that came with us made a huge one for us to go into. We loved it! Before we left, John from Delamere took us to a fire pit and we learned how to build a camp fire. We had a lovely sing along whilst waiting for the coach. Thanks to Leo's dad for his camp fire karaoke singing!!
When we get back next week, we will be looking at images of our day out and use them to write some captions. Our phonics knowledge has massively progressed since September and this is now being applied into writing. We are so very proud.
Have a lovely weekend everybody and we will see you next week for some spooky suprises.
Mrs Jobber and Miss Partington
NB - Mouse Mania next week (thursday) is our cinema afternoon.