Reception - The Chicks!
Date: 15th Mar 2019 @ 10:39am
This week has been a very special week in Reception, as we watched our very own chicks hatch during science week!!
On Monday the incubator arrived in our classroom with lots of eggs inside. We observed and watched as the eggs started to peck their way out of the shells and hatch. On Wednesday morning we came into school to find 3 chicks in the incubator, tweeting away. We were very lucky also to watch a fourth chick hatch in the afternoon - the children were very excited! A 5th hatched later on that night.
On Thursday we moved the chicks into their own contanier with food and water and the children had a little hold of their new chick friends! It's been so lovely to watch the children care for and look after the chicks this week! We are going to keep them for a couple more day next week.
Have a great weekend,
Miss Steen