Reception - The Last Week of Term
Date: 3rd Apr 2018 @ 4:28pm
This week in Reception we have been learning all about Easter. We have had enhancements in the classroom to help us to learn about Easter. We have done a lot of fun things like making Easter cards, if we decided too, creating chicks and creating Easter egg hunt instructions for our friends - this was our favourite! We had great fun in hiding the eggs, writing the instructions and helping our friends to find them.
We began to write our class text, The Journey Home. We wrote the start of the story together and then wrote it ourselves. Our teachers were amazed at the level of engagement and commitment to our writing!
We had some fun doing Easter themed maths, like matching numbers to numbered Easter bunnies and sharing the carrots out evenly between them. We also counted one more and one less and created repeating patterns on Easter eggs.
We have sent home some phase 1 and 2 sound cards to help your children at home over the holidays. See if they can remember the phrases to help them! We have also sent home an Easter Diary. Please ask your children to draw and write about their Easter holidays; what they get up to, things they do and see.
We have had a very busy half term and we hope you all have a lovely, well rested Easter break.
Mrs Jobber and Miss Partington.