Reception - WB 19.11.18
Date: 23rd Nov 2018 @ 3:09pm
This week has been a very poorly week for Reception!! Lots of children have been off with coughs, cold and bugs. We hope you're all feeling better if we haven't seen you in school this week!
For the children who have been in school, we have been continuing to read the story 'I'm going to eat this ant'. We've been focusing on hearing the initial sounds in different objects. In the story the anteater was eating the ants in lots of things which began with the sound 's'. We had a go at thinking of other things the anteater could eat beginning with different sounds.
In P.E this week we've been doing some gymnasics. We learnt how to jump confidently and move along a bench by using our arms to keep our balance. We made sure we knew what the rules were on the apparatus to stay nice and safe.
This week we have also began our Christmas play. We have started by learning all of the songs and children will find out properly what character they are next week once we've had a little practice on the stage.
Have a great weekend,
Miss Steen