Reception - WB 28.1.19
Date: 1st Feb 2019 @ 2:23pm
Good Afternoon,
What a lovely snowy week in school! The children throughly enjoyed being in the snow and it has created such a buzz in school!
Away from the snow inside the classroom, we have been innovating our own recounts of the Naughty Bus this week by using our class story map. Children changed different parts by drawing pictures and sticking them over. We then had ago at retelling and writing some of our innovated recounts. The children focused on applying their phonics skills learnt in Ready Steady Read and using finger spaces between each word. I was very impressed!!
This week has also been E-safety week in school. We learnt the basics of being safe on the internet by reading the story 'Smartie the Penguin'. We learnt that we should always tell an adult if we see something we shouldn't!
Have a great weekend,
Miss Steen