Reception - WB 9.11.20
Date: 13th Nov 2020 @ 12:55pm
It's been pirate week in Reception this week, where we have enjoyed completing lots of different pirate themed challenges around the classroom. Children have created their own pirates ships and flags, played a phonics game with golden coins and created their own pirates stories using our pirate small world.
To link with our pirate theme, during Literacy we have been reading the story 'Pirates in Underpants'. We have followed the story all week, reading a bit more each day! Along the way we have been completing different mark marking for a purpose activities including treasure maps and messages in a bottle, before retelling the pirate story at the end of the week using a story map and actions.
During our afternoon learning this week, we have been learning about the Emergency Services. We've looked at the police, fire and ambulance service and discussed the different jobs that they do.
Have a great weekend everyone,
Miss Steen