Reception - Where my wellies take me!
Date: 1st Mar 2019 @ 1:34pm
This week has been a themed week in school based around the story book 'Where my wellies take me!'. We have been exploring our school and observing and drawing maps of what we could see. We have also been reading poems from the focused book, in particular 'Incy Wincy Spider'. We created our own list poems based on the spider and described what he is like.
On Wednesday we went on trip up to Castle Park in Frodsham with Team 1 and 2. We called the day 'Wellie Wednesday'. We spent the morning exploring the forest, completing an orienteering course, drawing and hunting for mini-beasts and playing on the super exciting park. We had a lovely morning in the sunshine with lots of laughing and smiling!
Have a nice weekend,
Miss Steen