Reception - WB 10.10.22
Date: 13th Oct 2022 @ 9:21pm
It has been wonderful to speak to most parents this week for our scheduled parents evenings - thank you all for logging on. It's been lovely to share with you all how your child is getting on in school and how they have settled into school life in Reception!
During Ready Steady Read, we've been focusing on extending our knowledge of set 1 sounds and continuing to practice our sound-blending skills. Lots of children are starting to pick this skill up so well and we're observing children apply these new skills around the classroom with increasing confidence.
Within maths this week, we've been focusing on our pattern skills. We've developed the skills to recognise the rule of an ABAB pattern and create our own patterns using different resources.
We're very much looking forward to our Delamere Trip next week!
Have a great weekend,
Miss Steen