Reception - WB 31.10.22
Date: 4th Nov 2022 @ 2:37pm
Good afternoon all,
We all hope you had a lovely half term break and are ready for this busy half term ahead, on the run up to Christmas!
We've focused our learning on the celebration of Bonfire Night this week. We've been finding out why we celebreate Bonfire Night and how we might go to a Bonfire Night show and see fireworks, sparkers and a bonfire. We talked about the different food we might eat on Bonfire night and what we might wear to keep us all warm. We've also talked about the important of keeping safe around fireworks and how we should always be with our grown ups.
During Literacy, we've read and performed different firework poems. We created our own Bonfire Night story using the Mighty Writer mat and children had a go at creating their own stories too during Learning Time. Some children also drew out their stories, labelling them with the initial sounds they could hear. Miss Steen was very proud!
Have a great weekend,
Miss Steen