Reception - WB 12.12.22
Date: 16th Dec 2022 @ 12:56pm
It's Christmas - we have most certainly enjoyed all the Christmas festivities this week in school!!
We have completed our Christmas books, took part in lots of Christmas singing, listened to the chocolate Nativity story and had fun during our Christmas parties and lunch - it has been really lovely.
On Friday we ended our week with a Christmas campfire outside in the firepit. We toasted marshmellows, sang songs and listened to a Christmas story. The campfire most definelty kept us warm, after what has been a really cold and chilly week.
We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and we will see you in the New Year.
Thank you so much for all your gifts - we really appreciate it!
Take care everyone and stay safe,
Miss Steen and all of the Reception team :)