Reception - WB 14.3.22
Date: 17th Mar 2022 @ 3:13pm
Good Afternoon,
Our second week with the chicks has been delighful! All the children have took on the roles as parents, making sure we are looking after our 9 little chicks properly. We've fed them and made sure that they've had enought to eat. Everyday, we've let them out their brooder box for their daily exercise. It had been so lovely to watch the children develop that caring role and know what it is like to take responsibility for looking after something.
During maths this week, we have continued to explore numbers to 10. We've used new concrete representations to represent numbers and strengthed our number understanding.
Everyone will be so sad to see our lovely friend Penny leave school today, as she and her family will be starting a brand new adventure in Germany. We wish them all the luck in the world and they will be so greatly missed!
Have a wonderful weekend,
Miss Steen