Reception - WB 16.10.23
Date: 19th Oct 2023 @ 5:41pm
Hi all,
Well... where has this half term gone? It's absolutely few by and the whole Reception team have thoroughly enjoyed geting to know your little people this half term. The whole class has settled into school life so well and are getting used to the new routines of school. We can't wait to see what the second half of the Autumn term brings... :)
During Literacy this week, we have finished the Gingerbread Man story and have learnt what happened to him. The children have really enjoyed reading this story and have been re-telling it lots during Learning Time. They all enjoyed singing the songs that the Gingerbread Man likes to sing. We finished off the week, by re-telling the Gingerbread Man story using the Mighty Writer mat. We created actions and performed it together as a class.
We have been learning about the Holi Festival this week. We have learnt that there are many different religions and cultures that people following around the world and that Holi is part of Hinduism. We learnt how Holi is celebrated with coloured powder and dancing. We are looking forward to our colour run after half term.
Have a lovely half term everyone.
See you soon,
Mrs Davies