Reception - WB 16.1.23
Date: 20th Jan 2023 @ 12:39pm
Hello Team Reception,
In Literacy this week,we have started a new text called ‘Let’s all Creep through Crocodile Creek’! We will began the week with a ‘hook’ to our text, where we received a very special letter and met some new friends - Rabbit, Tortoise and Mouse. We have explored the word ‘journey’ and what it means to go on a journey. We discussed the journey our new friends from the story might be going on, as well as journeys we would like to go on too. Children have completed some tasks in their writing books and have been applying their phonic knowledge to spell words.
We have started handwriting sessions this half term. Using our new yellow learning journeys, we have been practicing our formation of letters using the handwriting lines. The children have been excellent at this and have blew all the Reception teachers away. We have a 'Handwriter of the day' medal, that one person is selected to wear each day for super handwriting - I think Miss Steen might need to get more medals!!
During our curriculum learning, we have been learning about the season 'Winter' - this came in very handy this week with all the snow and ice we have had! We discussed Winter features, went on a winter hunt outsidec created Arctic pictures and talked about hibernation. Children applied their understanding in the environment - creating hibernation huts, making snowflakes, melting ice. This list is endless - this has been such an amazing week of learning!!!
We also linked some learning about our world, using Google Earth and globes to identify the land and the water. We even spotted the polar regions, linked to our work on Winter.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone,
Miss Steen