Reception - WB 18.10.21
Date: 22nd Oct 2021 @ 1:38pm
It has been a Halloween themed week in Reception all week. All of the children have enjoyed learning about Halloween, how we celebrate it and what costumes we might wear. We've completed lots of challenges during learning time such as carving pumpkins, creating our own potions and making different pumpkin faces. We've also been learning a spooky song that the children have LOVED... I'm sure they have been singing it at home too!
We had a special camera crew in school this week, filming us doing some amazing learning in our classroom. The children were so good and were not phased by the camera's at all. We can't wait to see the film back!
I hope you all have any amazing half term week. The children most defintely deserve it, after a fabulous first half term in school!!
Take care everyone,
Miss Steen