Reception WB 19.4.22
Date: 22nd Apr 2022 @ 4:23pm
Hi all,
We've continued to focus on our story 'The Journey Home' during Literacy this week. We've used a story map to begin to learn & re-tell the story using actions. We've been practicing this lots, ready to re-tell in our class assembly this week. As we've learnt the story, we've also begun to write the story. We've focused on our ability to hold a sentence and write it using finger spaces & our phonics skills. Children are becoming much more confident with applying their phonics skills with increasing independence.
We've celebrated 'Earth Day' this week and explored what is so special about the earth which we live on. We've discussed how to look after our earth in different ways, such as to always put our rubbish in the bin and recycle our rubbish. We decided as a class, how we are going to help look after our earth better.
On Wednesday, some children took part in a mini-kickers tournament at Helsby High School. We played lots of games against schools in the local area and we scored lots of fabulous goals. We won every single game and ended up winning the whole tournament!!! The children were SO proud and showed their gold medals off with pride!
Have a great weekend everyone.
Miss Steen