Reception - WB 24.4.23
Date: 28th Apr 2023 @ 2:37pm
Good Afternoon,
We received a very urgent and important message from Mrs Wyatt this week, who told us that there has been an animal rummaging in the school bins and asked us if we could help her to find out who. She gave us a description:
'It is big and hairy. It has four legs, a tail and a big wet nose'.
We created posters of the animals we thought it could be and asked everyone to keep an eye out. What animal could it be? We will find out soon. The children have absolutley loved this hook and it has really helped children to find a purpose for their writing. We have seen some incredible, independent writing this week - it's been fabulous!
During our maths sessions, we have focused on finding number bonds to 10. Children have extended their addition skills, by using the vocabulary 'add' and 'equal' to find and recall different ways of making 10. We've used Numicon and ten frames and counters to help us. To be continued next week...
During our afternoon learning, we have been learning about the country Africa. We've been using Google Earth to find where it is in our world and learn about what it is like to live there. Children have been discussing the differences between life in Africa and life in our country. We've found that it is very different.
Have a great long weekend everyone,
Miss Steen