Reception - WB 2.5.23
Date: 8th May 2023 @ 7:45pm
Hi everyone,
THe chldren have throughly enjoyed learning about the Coronation this week. We have explored the meaning of the Coronation and how it is celebrated. The children have enjoyed learning more about our new king and watching videos from the past coronations. We have enjoyed celebrating on 'Coronation Day'. The children made some wonderful crowns and wore them to school, as well as eating cake, taking part in a parade and watching the Maypole. We are going to continue some more learning on the Coronation next week, as the children enjoyed it SO much!
We have continued with Silly Doggy this week during Literacy, reading on a little more and completing lots more writing activities. We pretended to be certain characters from the story and role played these, focusing on what they might say. We looked a lot at dialogue and using speech bubbles. Super!!
We are SO proud of how well children are reading at the moment - please continue to read as much as possible at home.
Have a great long weekend and enjoy the Coronation,
Miss Steen