Reception - WB 28.11.22
Date: 2nd Dec 2022 @ 3:59pm
Hi all,
The Christmas spirit is most certainly arrived in school!
We've been working hard on our Christmas performance, learning all the songs and rehearsing our parts. The children have been learning to use the stage and remembering where to stand. We can't wait for you to see our Christmas performance on Thursday 8th December. It will last around 20 mins and you can bring up to a maximum of 3 people.
Back in the classroom, all the adults have been very impressed with the children's developing reading skills this week. We have seen a real difference in confidence with sound-blending and the children's ability to read at a much quicker pace. Children are applying their reading skills independently around the classroom environment durng learning time and are so engaged during daily Ready Steady Read sessions each morning.
In maths, we have explored our understanding of our work on the numbers 1-5 and began to use mathematical language to describe and compare these numbers. We’ve focused on the vocabulary ‘one more’ and ‘one less’ to recognise what numbers are either side of a number from 1-5. We’ve used 5 frames to show the concrete representation of less and more. We’ve put this skill into context, by solving simple problems orally and in groups. We also played other games with the number blocks and number lines to practice our developing skills.
Have a lovely weekend and see you on Monday,
Miss Steen