Reception - WB 6.3.23
Date: 10th Mar 2023 @ 10:17am
Hello Everyone,
A chilly but snowy week, which the children have thoroughly enjoyed!! We've had lots of wet socks and shoes, but many happy smiley faces :)
During Literacy this week, we have been continuing to read and enjoy our story 'The Pirates are Coming'. We read to the end of the story, making predictions along the way and discussed the characters. Children have really enjoyed getting involved in the story and acting out the different parts - they especially enjoyed the part where we had to hide!!! We've completed lots of activities alongside our story this week, using our Mighty Writer Mat to help.
With Miss Lomax during our afternoon learning, we have explored learning on healthy eating. We've talked about what foods are good for us and waht we should eat and drink to make us grow and feel strong. We've designed our own healthy meals, tasted different food and made our own fruit juices during continuous provision.
During maths we have explored length and height. We have used new vocabulary and used it to describe and compare the length and height of different obejcts, items and groups. We've had to work together alot this week to solve different problems and we have done so with such great team work.
Super week Reception!
Please remember to read with your children as much as possible and sign their black reading log.
Have a great weekend,
Miss Steen