Reception - WB 7.6.21
Date: 11th Jun 2021 @ 12:15pm
Good Afternoon,
The children have enjoyed a very sunny week in school this week! It's been lovely to do some wonderful learning outside, that the children are much more keen to do in this warmer weather.
Within our Literacy learning this week, we have been looking at different poems from Michael Rosen's book 'A Great Big Cuddle'. We have been learning and performing poems in our class and recognising what patterns of rhyme we can spot. Children then had a go at writing a simple poem themselves.
In maths we have been learning how to subtract numbers up to 10 this week. Children have been learning what the term 'takeaway' means and how when we takeaway a number from another number, we make a smaller number. The children confidence is increasing with this new skill and we will continue to practice next week.
We also this week have been looking at the season 'Summer'. We have been learning what it is like during the summer months in our environment, what types of weather we are likely to see, what clothing we typically wear and what wildlife/flowers bloom. We completed a 'Nature Walk' on Tuesday around our school grounds. See Twitter for pictures!
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Steen