Reception - WB 9.1.23
Date: 12th Jan 2023 @ 2:59pm
Good Afternoon,
We've had a lovely first full week of 2023 and all the children have settled so well back into their school routines. We have sadly said goodbye to a little girl in our class who has moved house and we have welcomed a new little boy to Team Reception - the children were very excited to see him, as a lot of children knew him from Pre-School.
In Literacy this week, we have focused our learning on the theme 'Under the Sea' - this was planned based on the children's interests. We have explored the story 'Commotion in the Ocean' and have extended our knowledge of different creatures that live in the deep dark ocean. We've completed different writing activities, explored the different 'Under the Sea' challenges around the environment and learnt new vocabulary linked to the theme. Children have certainly consumed themselves into this learning this week and it has been fantastic to see the children so engaged.
During our maths sessions, we have introduced zero to our learning this week. We explored the concept of zero, what it looks like as a numeral and where it fits around numbers 1-5. We've hunted around the classroom to find evidence of the number zero and played lots of different games to extend our knowledge of zero.
Have a great weekend everyone,
Miss Steen