Team 1 - Handwriting, Internet Safety and Half Term
Date: 21st Feb 2016 @ 7:10pm
Hi all
I hope you have all had a lovely half term week off!
The week before half term was a very busy one for Team 1.
In English our focus again was on our handwriting and presentation within our books and Miss Steen can really start to see an improvement!! We have continued imitating and exploring the text 'The Little Red Hen' and will continue to do this further after half term.
In maths we have been looking at more and less than given numbers and we will move on to using these skills within different problems.
We also had 'Internet Safety Day' before half term which was really fun. We learn't all about being safe on the internet and how anything we post online can be seen by anyone around the whole world. We read the story 'Smartie the Penguin' to understand this further and created our very own posters to show everything which we had learnt.
See you all tomorrow - bright eyed and bushy tailed ready for the next half term.
Miss Steen