Team 1 - invention, measuring and portrait drawing.
Date: 1st Jul 2016 @ 4:24pm
Another lovely week in Team 1 as we are getting closer to the summer holidays!!
In English we have invented our own recounts and have wrote all about 'Horn's Mill's School Sports Day'. Some of the detail has been amazing in our writing this week and all children had a go at reading their recounts out to the rest of the class.
In maths we have looked at a few topics this week, but we have mainly focused on measuring length and height using practical objects. We even had a maths lesson this week with our Team 2 'Mr Lawrie! We also recalled our 2D and 3D shape knowledge with a shape treasure hunt outside in the woodlands.
On Wednesday afternoon we took part in a whole school portrait session as part of GRT month. We were taught how to draw a portrait of a famous footballer called 'Freddie Eastwood' by Mrs Anderson. Some of these portraits were quite impressive!!
Have a nice weekend,
Miss Steen