Team 1 - Recounts, Capacity and Sports Day practice!
Date: 26th May 2016 @ 9:08pm
Good Evening!
We;ve had a lovely final week in school ready for our Half Term break!
In English this week we have begun our learning on recounts. We have started to imitate our recount based on the story 'The Way Back Home' and began to build our toolkit on the features needed to write one!
In Maths we have been focusing this week on measuring capacity and volume and solving practical problems linked to this. We have completed lots of practical learning this week with lots of water!
In the afternoons this week we have continued again with lots of reading practice. Phonics Play is our new favourite website with Obb and Bob being one of our favourite games . We have also started some learning on our new topic 'The History of Horn's Mill and had a whole school sports day practice ready for the big day after Half Term!
Have a lovely Half Term everyone and see you when you get back for your final term in Team 1!
Miss Steen