Team 1 - WB 12.2.18
Date: 16th Feb 2018 @ 4:15pm
Good Afternoon.
In English this week we have been writing our innovated version of the story 'The Lion Inside'. We have been focusing on making sure we re-read our sentences so they make sense and applying capital letters and full stops to every sentence we write. There has been so much fantastic writing this week!
In maths we have be continuing to master subtracting. This week we used the number line as our tool. Everyone has developed such confidence with subtracting over the past few weeks using a range of different methods. We have also been reasoning by developing ways to explain how we found our answers.
During our afternoon learning we have been learning what different pets are in French,we have started the new unit 'Appreciate' on MyHappyMind and have been categorising animals by what they eat in Science.
Have a lovely half term everyone and I will see you all back in school on Monday 26th February.
Miss Steen
Mousemania the Friday after Half Term is: Hide and Seek in the woodlands