Team 1 - WB 14.5.18
Date: 17th May 2018 @ 8:22pm
Good evening,
This week in English we have turned a new page of the story 'The Curious Case of the Wooly Mammoth'. We have discovered a new room in the museum called 'The Underwater World'. We've looked at what creatures we could see 1 of and more than 1 of using the terms singular and plural. We also added in some non-fiction work, writing a diary entry as Timothy!! Very impressive for our first attempt at a diary entry.
In maths we have be focusing on reading, counting and representing numbers to 50. We have used concrete items to represent these numbers in tens and ones, as well as pictorially and have finished in the abstract by completing lots of missing number style questions.
During our afternoon learning we have been looking at the seasonal changes from spring to summer in science, began to look at the term 'relate' during MyHappyMind sessions and have began athletics in P.E in preparation for sports day!
Please keep playing lots of reading games on Phonics Play at home if you can!
Have a great Royal Wedding weekend,
Miss Steen