Team 1 - WB 21.5.18
Date: 25th May 2018 @ 1:37pm
Good Afternoon,
In English this week we have been focusing on using questions marks and exclamtion marks, as we continue to read the story 'The Curious Case of the Missing Mammoth'. We have discussed the difference between these pieces of punctuation and how we apply them in our writing.
In maths we have been completing work on finding the time to the nearest hour and half hour using our own mini clocks. Learning to tell the time can be very tricky and the children have been brilliant at it! We also continued to work on numbers up to 50, finding one more than and one less than.
During our afternoon learning we have been observing the seasonal changes to a tree on the field, reading the story 'Anna's Monster Lies' in PSHE and have been learning the continents of the world during our Topic lesson.
Please continue to play the games in the phonics booklet sent home a few weeks ago.
Have a lovely Half Term break and we will see you all back in school on Monday 4th June.
Miss Steen
Mousemania the week after Half Term is a Teddy Bear's Picnic. Please bring to school a small teddy and one snack.