Team 1 - WB 23.1.16
Date: 29th Jan 2017 @ 7:44pm
Hello everyone!
In English this week we have completed our innovation stories. The stories the children produced were fantastic and I was very impressed with how much pride everyone was taking in their writing. Towards the end of the week we planned our own adventure stories which we are going to write next week.
In maths we have been learning how to tell the time to the hour and half past the hour. We used mini clocks to show a range of different times and practiced placing the big and small hands on the correct number. By the end of the week we were able to measure and record time in minutes and seconds during the 'Smile for a Mile' - lots of children were very fast when completing their mile!!
In topic, we started our new theme 'Tremendous Toys'. We explored a range of toys which children played with many years ago and that children play with today. We applied our science skills from previous learning to identify which materials the toys were made from.
Well done Team 1; another great week of learning.
Miss Steen