Team 1 Wb 10.9.18
Date: 15th Sep 2018 @ 8:26am
What a wonderful week we have had in Team 1! The children were so much fun to teach, and showed lots of enthusiasm for their learning.
We started our week with visit to the 'Life Caravan', where we heard lots of important messages about keeping our bodies healthy. We met Harold the Giraffe too! Team 1 represented our school beautifully and joined in fantasitcally.
This week we have re-started our Ready Steady Read Sessions, which have gone really well, and have also brought home our individual reading books. A reminder to parents to please read with your child regularly (daily wherever possible) as it really does make a huge difference!
In maths this week we have been counting objects and matching the numerals to the sets of objects- next week we will be practising our number formation lots! In English, we investigated sets of objects that were linked to our new story, and made predictions about what was going to happen. We have then started using the sounds we know to write words linked to what we can see and hear at the seaside.
In science we labelled parts of the body, in MyHappyMind, we started to learn about our brains, and in RE we learnt about how Jesus had a set of friends called diciples who travelled with him and helped him. It certainly has been a busy week!
We had a great time having a PJ party on Friday for our Mouse Mania, next week we have chosen dressing up for our Mouse Mania, so if your child has any dressing up clothes at home that they would like to bring in, please can these come in in a named carrier bag on Friday.
Thanks everyone, have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Holbrook :)