Team 1 WB 10.10.22
Date: 14th Oct 2022 @ 3:56pm
This week in Team 1 we have been focusing on our geography fieldwork in our afternoon lessons. First, we looked at the locations a penguin had hidden in our classroom. We used directional language to direct our friends to the places in the room. Then, we found photos of another penguin who had been around the school grounds. We went out to find the places he had hidden, plotting the locations on a map. Back in the classroom, we used a large floor map of the school grounds to locate the places we had been. On Friday we broadened the scope of our fieldwork with a walk to the park in Helsby. We planned our route using Google Maps, and noted the human and physical features we spotted on the way. The children had a wonderful time in the park, and it was a great way to end our week! Thank you so much to our parent volunteers for joining us, it is much appreciated.
In English this week we have been using descriptive words to describe the waves in our book, ‘Lost and Found’.
In maths, we have been making number bonds and telling number stories eg. 5 frogs and 4 frogs make 9 frogs. We have been using part-whole models to show a whole number and the 2 parts which make it.
In PE we learned about using tactics in games and why it is important to communicate with our team mates to come up with a cunning plan. We then used our tactics to solve problems.
In art, the children are continuing their work on icy landscapes inspired by Linda Dawn Lang with Mrs Caroe.
Have a wonderful weekend, Team 1.
Mrs Weeks, Miss Thomas and Mr Flaherty.