Team 1 WB 10.7.23
Date: 14th Jul 2023 @ 12:40pm
It might be the penultimate week in Team 1, but we have certainly managed to fit in some great learning.
In English, we have innovated and are re-telling the story of Goldilocks and Just the One Bear. The children have included a different animal of their choice and included an adjective to describe their animal eg. A cheeky panda. The children are using all of the skills learnt over the last half term in our writing this week.
In maths, we have learnt to recognise coins and banknotes used in the United Kingdom. We also learnt about capacity and volume. We calculated the capacity of containers using non-standard units and created sentences to describe them eg. This container has a capacity of 12 units. We did get a little wet, but it was great fun and this really cemented their learning.
We loved having the opportunity to watch the dress rehearsal of the Team 6 production on Wednesday afternoon. What a great show!
Another treat this week was watching the choir from Dee Banks School perform some wonderful songs on Friday afternoon.
We are looking forward to our final week next week, with lots of celebrations and fun times ahead.
Have a wonderful weekend, Team 1.
Mrs Weeks, Mr Flaherty and Miss Thomas.