Team 1 WB 12.9.22
Date: 16th Sep 2022 @ 3:56pm
We have had another busy week in Team 1.
In English, we were left some interesting clues about a new book which we will be studying and which will inspire our writing this half term. We found an umbrella, a book about penguins, a lost poster, torch, and some other items in a suitcase. This led to discussions, predictions and lots of writing using the sounds we have been learning.
In maths, we are learning more about numbers to 10. The children have been counting forwards and backwards, writing numerals, counting objects and learning how to represent numbers up to 10 with counters and ten frames. We love becoming ‘maths detectives’ and solving some tricky problems. The children have shown their determination and resilience with these problems.
In science we have been on a ‘welly walk’ searching for signs of autumn. We found some leaves falling, some berries, and many of the creatures which begin to show themselves at this time of year.
In our MyHappyMind lessons, we are getting to know our brains and how they work and help us.
We have spoken to the children about the sad death of Queen Elizabeth this week in an age appropriate way, celebrating her life and discussing how she changed our lives. The children have contributed to a page in a local condolence book for the queen by making thrones to photograph for the book, and providing some quotes about why they liked the queen.
Enjoy your weekend, Team 1! Don’t forget that the school will be closed on Monday for the Queen’s funeral, so we will see you on Tuesday.
Mrs Weeks, Miss Thomas and Mr Flaherty.