Team 1 WB 13.6.22
Date: 17th Jun 2022 @ 2:41pm
What a busy week! We began with sports day on Monday. The children all took part with vigour and should be proud of the effort and good sportsmanship they displayed. If you were able to join us, thank you for your support, we hope you enjoyed the picnic and afternoon races. We certainly enjoyed our day!
Back in the classroom the children have been reciting their poems to the class. Thank you for your support at home in helping the children to learn and say their poems so confidently, this is an important skill. We have loved listening to the poems, some familiar and some new to us (especially those which the children wrote themselves). Our finalists are HS and TD and have been told that they will be performing in the school finals next week.
In English we began our new text, ‘Toys in Space’ by Mini Grey. We found some lost toys in the classroom and read the labels which told us where they had been found. We have been writing about how the toys in the book must have felt being left out at night in the garden. We used the prefix un- to change the meaning of words, and the suffix –est to mean the most eg. The robot has the longest arms.
In maths we have been adding and subtracting within 20 using different methods such as jumping along a number line, and crossing out to subtract.
In computing this week, we learned about the information we might find on websites. We found the titles and images on websites, and learned that not everything we read on the internet is true.
We have loved taking part in Team 6’s Pound for Profit week, and soaking Team 6 in the afternoons.
Have a super weekend, superstars!
Mrs Weeks, Miss Evans and Mrs Butters.