Team 1 WB 14.11.22
Date: 18th Nov 2022 @ 2:42pm
We have had a super afternoon today in our Mouse Mania. We enjoyed a delicious ice cream with sprinkles and a nail parlour as a well-earned treat for all of our hard work this week.
In English, we have begun a new unit of work based around the book ‘Nibbles the Book Monster’. We found that some things in our classroom had been nibbled, and we needed to find out who it was. We discovered that it was a cheeky book monster who had nibbled the items and some of our precious books!
In maths, we have been writing addition equations and completing part-whole models in our unit on addition within 10.
In science, we produced a written piece of work for the end of our unit on everyday materials. We wrote a letter back to Will explaining which material we recommend for making a new waterproof coat.
It was anti-bullying week this week, and we have had a focus on being kind to our friends and making agreements to share and let others join in games. We have been working really hard on this all week!
Team 1, we have had a very busy week, so enjoy your weekend and we look forward to seeing you all on Monday.
Mrs Weeks, Miss Thomas and Mr Flaherty.