Team 1 WB 17.10.22
Date: 21st Oct 2022 @ 2:47pm
We have reached the end of our first half term, and it has flown by!
We’ve had a wonderful week. In English we have been writing about the characters’ feelings. We used role play to help us identify what the little boy and the penguin in our book might be saying to each others. We have also been using capital letters for people’s names.
In maths, we have continued learning about number bonds within 10.
In geography, we learned the compass points north, south, east and west. We played a game to help us remember them.
Thursday was a whole-school Hinduism day. In Team 1 we re-enacted the story of Rama and Sita. We learned about the festival of light, Diwali, and how it is celebrated by Hindus. We made connections to other religions and decided that it does not matter what religion (if any) we follow, as we can all be friends. We used our compass directions to help guide Rama and Sita home.
In PE we completed our unit on teambuilding by using the skills learnt this half term (tactics and communication) to complete games and challenges.
We deserved our fun Mouse Mania on Friday, donning our pyjamas and enjoying a few sweet treats.
We hope you all enjoy a rest over the half term break, and are excited to welcome the children back on Tuesday 1st November. Enjoy your break, Team 1!
Mrs Weeks, Mr Flaherty and Miss Thomas.