Team 1 wb 17.1.22
Date: 21st Jan 2022 @ 1:13pm
Happy Friday, Team 1!
Whether you have been isolating at home or been in school learning, we are so proud of each of you. The children in school have coped so well with not having all of their friends here, and have managed to get a super amount of learning done. We are hoping to see lots more of you back in school next week after your isolation periods. If you have been isolating at home, well done for keeping everyone safe, and joining in with some home learning if you have been feeling up to it.
We began our week with a whole school maths day. Our theme was Martin Luther King Jr Day, and we linked our maths learning to his protest march from Selma to Montgomery in the USA. As well as linking to our maths objectives, we held our own march against something we feel strongly about. The children chose to march against homelessness as they felt it was not fair that some people do not have a home to go to.
We began by thinking and recording what our homes mean to us, before discussing how it must feel to be without a comfortable, warm home.
In English this week we have been joining words in sentences using and. We have also been spotting capital letters and full stops in sentences.
In maths, we have been identifying all the numbers bonds of numbers up to 10. We have also practiced counting on from a given number, which helps us with our addition problems.
In Design & Technology we baked our own bread on Wednesday, which we ate with our lunches on Thursday after letting it rise overnight. It was delicious!
We ended our week by enjoying some time playing with toys from home and sharing them with our friends.
We are looking forward to next week, and having lots of our friends back in Team 1.
Enjoy your weekends!
Mrs Weeks, Miss Evans and Mrs Butters.