Team 1 WB 19.6.23
Date: 23rd Jun 2023 @ 2:35pm
This week in Team 1 we began looking at a new class text around which we will base our English learning, and some other learning across the curriculum. The book is called ‘Goldilocks and Just the One Bear.’ We discovered that Baby Bear has moved to the city after Goldilocks caused all the fuss in his house in the woods. This week we looked at all of the sounds he would hear in the city, and used nouns and verbs with an –ing suffix eg. Car horns beeping, people walking, sirens calling etc.
In maths, we completed our unit of work on fractions (halves and quarters), and we are about to begin a unit on numbers up to 100.
In science this week, we completed an exploratory unit on light. We looked at different sources of light, and some which we thought might be sources of light, but are actually only reflecting the light from another source eg. The moon, a glitter ball. We pretended that we were in a dark museum, and decided which source of light we should take with us to help us see.
June is Gypsy Roma Traveller (GRT) History Month, so the children have been creating pieces of artwork around this theme and have been learning more about the GRT culture.
We were very proud of our poetry recital finalists this week, LD, BA and DK. They did an amazing job performing their poems on stage in front of the entire school, adults and visitors. BA and DK took first place for KS1 and we are so proud!
We enjoyed a whole school cricket day today, competing in challenges which taught us some skills we would need to play cricket. It was great fun, and we competed with reception and Team 2. The children did very well with their batting and fielding skills.
We were also a little sad to say goodbye to Miss Mac (no.2) today as she has completed her placement with us. She has been a super student teacher and we wish her all the best in her future studies and career as a teacher.
Have a wonderful weekend, Team 1!
Mrs Weeks, Mr Flaherty, Miss Thomas and Miss McElhinney.