Team 1 WB 20th Jan 2025
Date: 24th Jan 2025 @ 4:28pm
Here is our week in a nutshell...
In English, we have been learning about verbs and suffixes. Using our class text as inspiration we thought about the magic that is in the everyday and created some lovely sentences about our journeys to school. Some of the vocabulary choices blew us away. We enjoyed using Mighty Writer and acted out our sentences which can be seen on Twitter/X.
In maths, we have been looking at 2d and 3d shapes and using our knowledge to see what shapes we can find in the classroom. We then moved onto looking at length and height and non standard units of measurement which can be used to measure these. We used language such as longer than, shorted than, taller than and shorter than when comparing objects.
In Geography, we recapped our locational knowledge and tried to create the UK from playdough. When we had had a good try, we then used atlases to improve our work.
For science, we were tasked with grouping and classifying a range of animals that we might find at Chester Zoo - the discussions that the children had were amazing.
In PHSE, we looked at an attitude of gratitude and we consider who we appreciated in our lives. In DT, we were learning how to boil and prepare eggs! Our classroom was a bit pongy afterwards!
Information was sent home this week regarding the phonics screen which is due to take place in June. If you have any questions about this, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you for the continued support with home reading - it makes all the difference.
Have a good weekend!
Team 1