Team 1 - WB 21st October

Date: 25th Oct 2024 @ 11:00am

What a busy final week in Team 1. It's been a long first half term but what a great start we have had. I am sure the children are ready for a break for all the learning they have been doing. 

Our focus in English has been autumn poetry. The children have blown us away (pardon the pun) with their enthusiasm and vocabulary choices for their senses poem about autumn leaves. In maths, we have been recapping our knowledge about addition and have continued to pratise the skill of 'counting on'. After half term we will begin to look at subtraction.

For science, we wrote a letter to the penguin to tell him about our investigation results for his new coat. We also sorted photos from our recent fieldwork into physical and human geographical features. 

We look forward to welcoming the children back on Tuesday 5th November. Don't forget the halloween disco on Wednesday 6th November. 

Enjoy your half term. May it be filled with lovely autumn walks and special family time.

Team 1