Team 1 WB 24.4.23
Date: 26th Apr 2023 @ 5:43pm
It has been a short week for Team 1, but we have still managed to fit in some great learning!
In English we have completed a plan for an innovated story based on our text ‘The Curious Case of The Missing Mammoth’. We used lots of the punctuation and suffixes learnt over the last half term in our writing. The children wrote beautifully and are progressing wonderfully with their writing.
In maths, we have been learning about the composition of numbers to 40, looking at the tens and ones which make up these numbers. We also learnt how to write these numbers in words.
In science, we have been observing our marigold flower seeds we planted last week. We were very excited to see some tiny shoots this afternoon.
In PE, we have used accuracy to send a ball to a target, using our bodies and arms to help us.
We hope you are able to enjoy your time away from school, and we look forward to welcoming the class back on Wednesday 3rd May.
Mrs Weeks, Miss Thomas and Mr Flaherty.