Team 1 WB 26.6.23
Date: 30th Jun 2023 @ 2:38pm
In Team 1 this week, we began a unit on numbers up to 100 in maths, revisiting our knowledge of place value (tens and ones), and comparing numbers up to 100.
In English, we have been looked at alternative spellings for the /ee/ sounds using our class text, ‘Goldilocks and Just The One Bear’. We also learnt that the names of places use a capital letter. We practiced this skill by creating our own names for hotels and cities.
In science, we discovered that our marigold plants have finally produced some flowers. It was worth the wait over the last 10 weeks to see the beautiful results of our work.
In French, we used learnt how to introduce ourselves by telling someone our name – ‘je m’appelle _____’ and asking someone their name – ‘comment t’appelles tu?’.
In geography we learnt about the idea of scale by comparing the size of the 4 countries in the United Kingdom to some other countries. We calculated that the UK would fit into China 25 times, and into Russia 52 times. We were surprised by how huge some countries are in comparison to ours.
Have a wonderful weekend, Team 1. Only 3 more weeks of learning until our summer holidays.
Mrs Weeks, Mr F and Miss Thomas.