Team 1 WB 2nd Sept 24

Date: 6th Sep 2024 @ 4:01pm


What a fabulous first week we have all had in Team 1. The children have settled in well and have adapted to their new routines and staff. They have been enthusiastically sharing details about their summer holidays and about their family life. 

This week in English they have been enjoying the book 'The Rainbow Flamingo'. It is a story about Adele, a flamingo who is slightly different to her flamingo family and friends. This makes her feel sad and she finally shares her worries with her mum who reassures her that they love her exactly the way she is.  Adele learns to embrace her differences and by the end of the book she is finally happy in her own skin (or feathers!). This book has enabled lots of positive discussions about being unique and given us chance to celebrate our differences. 

In maths, we have been focusing on numbers to 5 and the different ways we can make 5. The children have been using the STEM sentence 3 and 2 make 5, 4 and 1 make 5 etc. Please encourage your child to continue using these at home. Other things we have enjoyed are PE (focus on teamwork this half term), French and RE. 

Please ensure that your child has a water bottle in school at all time and a PE bag on their pegs (PE day is Thursday).

Have a great weekend.


Team 1 staff