Team 1 WB 3.10.22
Date: 7th Oct 2022 @ 4:57pm
We began our week with a harvest assembly by Reverend Michael. We learned about the amount of food which goes to waste, and decided we should do what we can to reduce waste. Thank you to parents/carers who brought in donations of food which have been donated to our local food bank.
This week in Team 1’s English lessons we have being using our phonics knowledge to write about penguins. We became penguin detectives and discovered lots of interesting facts about the animals which we put into a fact file.
In maths, we completed our unit on numbers to 10, and have begun the next unit on number bonds within 10. The children were introduced to part-whole models and how a number can be made up of two other numbers.
In French we have been practicing saying hello, good afternoon and goodbye. Coming into the classroom is a little bit like arriving in France right now!
In science this week, we described the properties of some everyday materials. We received a letter from the boy in our class text, ‘Lost and Found’, telling us that he had lost his coat and needed our help to find a suitable waterproof material to make a new one. We devised a plan to test some materials to make a waterproof coat.
After a busy week, we enjoyed bringing in toys from home to play with and share during mouse mania.
Have a super weekend, Team 1!
Mrs Weeks, Mr Flaherty and Miss Thomas.